Datum objave: 16. listopada 2023.
Kategorija: Digitalni sadrzaji

At the restaurant

A narrated presentation was created during a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled "Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom" by Iowa State University. In this presentation, a speaking activity called "At the Restaurant" is introduced. This activity focuses on ordering food and drinks based on different menus using resources like FORVO, AmericanEnglishSpeakingResources, and YouGlish to enhance speaking and listening skills and improve accuracy and fluency through situation-based dialogues. Participants engage in practical language use while practising pronunciation and communication in a real-life scenario.Time needed:90 min

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Obavijest za roditelje i učenike

Poštovani roditelji i učenici, u srijedu 19. ožujka 2025. Nezavisni sindikat zaposlenih u srednjim školama i Školski sindikat Preporod najavili su štrajk u srednjim školama. Nastava će na taj dan biti organizirana na način da učenici dolaze u školu sukladno redovnom...

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